Be more expressive in your presentations by using ink replay in PowerPoint!

By Mark Rideout on July 2, 2019

UPDATE: Ink replay and rewind are now available on Insider Fast on Mac!

Hello, I’m Mark, a Program Manager working on inking in the PowerPoint team. I want to tell you about a new way to use ink in your PowerPoint presentations!

We’ve heard about all the cool ways people are using ink in their PowerPoint presentations slides from adding an extra flair, to increasing communication. Previously the animation of ink on the slides was limited to standard shape animations.

Now you can apply the new Replay or Rewind animation to ink and get the drawing effect directly in your presentations! You can adjust the timing of these animations to be faster or slower to match the experience you want.

Demonstration of the Ink Replay and Rewind functions in PowerPoint

In addition to timing options, you can also control how multiple ink objects contained in a group playback, by using the Effect Options animations. All at Once will start the playback of all ink objects at the same time, while By Ink Object will play back the ink objects in sequential order determined by the order the ink objects are layered.

Image of the Effect Options menu, showing the All at Once and By Ink Object options

Getting started

Creating new slides with the ink Replay and Rewind animations is live for Office Insiders on the Insider Channel running PowerPoint version 1907 (11827.20002) and later. It is also available to Mac Insider Fast users running 16.27 (19070800) or later. Playback of presentations with the ink Replay and Rewind animations will be coming to other platforms soon after.

Scenarios to try

Add some ink in your slides to callout or highlight some data or to add some flair. Next apply the Replay animation to you ink! Set the timings to what makes sense to your presentations! Rinse and repeat and send feedback!


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Posted in Mac, PowerPoint, Windows

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