Accessible email made easier

By Chris Walker on November 7, 2019

Hi, I’m Chris Walker, a Software Engineer leading an effort across Outlook to make it easier for you to create email communications that are accessible to everyone.

Ensuring the accessibility of your emails is your responsibility. By creating and sending accessible emails, you ensure that recipients can access, read, and use the information they contain. Ensuring images have alt-text for screen reader users and that text contrasts work for people who are color blind are just a couple examples of how we’ll help you get this experience right. That’s why we’re excited to share an update designed to help ensure you can make your emails accessible.

Nudge others to make their mails accessible with MailTips

Whether you have a visual impairment or want to lead your organization in inclusion, the Accessibility MailTip is one tool that helps you check for and fix accessibility gaps in your mails.

To set up the Accessibility MailTip, first go to Outlook on the Web. You can find your OWA link on the File ribbon tab, under Account Settings. Go to Settings > View All Outlook Settings > General: Accessibility and select the checkbox.

Image of the OWA Accessible content setting with the following text: (Heading) Accessible content (Paragraph) You can let senders know that you prefer accessible content by selecting the check box below. People who send you email will be reminded to make their messages accessible and can get information about how to do so. An image of a checked box with the label: Ask senders to send content that's accessible

From then on, when individuals inside your organization send you an email and one or more accessibility issues have been identified in their email, they will see a notification that a recipient prefers accessible content and will be prompted to review and fix the issues.

Update (6/30/2021): Starting with version 16.0.14114.10000, individuals using the Outlook desktop client will be nudged to fix accessibility issues in more scenarios, such as composing an email to a large group. For more information, see Sending accessible emails in Outlook for Windows.

Screenshot of an email in Outlook showing Accessibility messaging

Additional references


Accessibility MailTips are available to users running Insider build 1911 (12130.10001) or later on Windows. It is available in Outlook on the Web as well. As a reminder, Windows users will need to setup Accessibility MailTips on the web at this time.

Accessibility MailTips work with commercial Office 365 accounts, for emails within a tenant only, and where the user is directly listed on the to/cc/bcc lines.

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Posted in Outlook, Windows

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